Laura 7th July 2010

Happy 22nd Birthday Well Ross, its that heartbreaking time of year where we all have to wish you a Happy Birthday. Your 3rd away from home, still cuts me life a knife, the pain is still so unreal, it never leaves me. No one will ever know how much I wish to be able to do what I did every year, which was to see you in person and hand you a present like that daft ring when you were going through your "Gangster" phase, little things like that given with love and that option taken away forever. All I can buy you now is something to go on your resting place. It infuriates me to be honest, so I have tried something different this year, rather than your usual flowers, you will have to wait and and see ;) Gonna have to go now, because I can no longer see my keyboard through the tears, but you know the drill, look after and give strength to the people who were special to you, who you truely cherished and loved. Please help me to come and see you later, because I find it so hard now to even walk down the path to where you rest. I know you can, because you did on Easter Sunday :) Happy Birthday to you, You will always have all of me Your Lil Sis x.x.x.x.x.x.x